One of the meaningful collaborations PRAXIS have had this year is with the National Youth Commission in coming up with the Strategic Communication Plan for the PYDP.

PYDP or Philippine Youth Development Plan 2017-2022 initiated by NYC for the Filipino youth was created through a set of national and local consultations that were focused on promoting an active, meaningful, and holistic participation of the youth in their own development and to nation-building.
This collaboration with the NYC aimed to aid to the communications and media staff of the commission to effectively communicate the PYDP. With thorough audience analysis and communication needs assessment, the communication plan focuses on the institutionalization of communication strategies, advocacy and promotion, online media, print media, and the marketing collaterals for PYDP-related events. This includes clear targets and measurements to evaluate communication success which were reviewed regularly as the project evolves.
Here are some of the proposed communication materials we produced for PYDP.